Fluency and Counting Skills

There does not appear to be any particular standard to determine when counting skills are fluent or even adequate. Primary school teachers teach students to count until they ( the teachers) are content with the results, whatever those results may be. This lack of a consistent standard allows for a high degree of variation amongContinue reading “Fluency and Counting Skills”

Using Recursive Patterns to Teach Skip-Counting

The Current Picture Being able to count groups by numbers other than 1 is a useful skill for multiplication and division, where, by definition, we are dealing with some number of groups of equal size. Schools do pay lip service to this idea, but usually only in a limited way. Typically they will give someContinue reading “Using Recursive Patterns to Teach Skip-Counting”

Skip Counting’s Importance to Arithmetic

I am currently assisting in a research project with faculty and staff from the University of Ottawa. The project will teach tutors to provide effective reading and math programs to approximately 80 foster children who are wards of two Children’s Aid Societies.  This work is a replication of a previous, successful research project led byContinue reading “Skip Counting’s Importance to Arithmetic”

Rote Counting Skills from 1 to 20

Rationale: In this exercise we will combine the previous two exercises to teach rote counting from 1 to 20. We will practice counting until the fluency level of 150 counts/minute with 2 or fewer errors is reached. Now that the student has met the fluency standard for counting from 1 to 10, and the sameContinue reading “Rote Counting Skills from 1 to 20”

Rote Counting Skills from 10 to 20 – the “teens” issue

Rationale: In this exercise we will teach rote counting from 10 to 20 and practice until the fluency level of 150 counts/minute with 2 or fewer errors is reached. Now that the student has met the fluency standard for counting to 10, we can add the next step. Teaching the next ten digits has aContinue reading “Rote Counting Skills from 10 to 20 – the “teens” issue”

Rote Counting Skills from 1 to 10 (Forward)

Rationale Until a student has well-developed counting skills, all other aspects of arithmetic will be difficult or impossible to do. Fluent counting skills are the basis for most other activities in arithmetic. There are a number of different components that students need to be taught before they attempt to learn more advanced arithmetic operations suchContinue reading “Rote Counting Skills from 1 to 10 (Forward)”

Teaching Arithmetic Skills – Let’s Get Started!!

In the next number of posts, I am going to provide parents, tutors, teachers, therapists and aides with actual lessons that you can use with children who have non-existent or weak counting skills. I will be posting 2 lessons per week for the foreseeable future. From time to time, I will likely change topics toContinue reading “Teaching Arithmetic Skills – Let’s Get Started!!”

Local Learning Centre’s Work Goes Global

Press Release Sept. 17:  Maloney Method program featured at Copenhagen Social Research Conference The Maloney Method teaching system was featured this month at a major European social research conference in Copenhagen, Denmark. Dr. Robert Flynn of U of Ottawa presented a study on the effects of training foster parents to tutor foster children in readingContinue reading “Local Learning Centre’s Work Goes Global”

What Does the Research Say About Homeschooling?

                  What Does the Research Say About the Academic Performance of Homeschooled Students?  Written by Rachel Wise, CEO and founder of educationandbehaviour.com In a recent radio interview, the host asked me what the data says about homeschooling. “Do homeschooled kids perform as well as non-homeschooled kids? IsContinue reading “What Does the Research Say About Homeschooling?”

Basic Principles of Reinforcers

Changing Behavior by the effective use of reinforcers Many people, including teachers, principals and caseworks in the social services field do not understand the basic concepts of changing behavior by the effective use of reinforcers. Over the last 5 decades as a consultant to teachers,  and social service workers, I have been told time andContinue reading “Basic Principles of Reinforcers”