Will Your Child Drop Out Of School?

The Problem According to U.S. Dept of Education statistics, a high school student drops out of school every 26 seconds. In most cases, they see themselves as having little or no hope of graduating. Seventy percent of those who return to school for a second chance drop out again. Less than 20% of those whoContinue reading “Will Your Child Drop Out Of School?”

When it Comes to Homeschooling – How are you Measuring Up?

For many homeschoolers, feeling that they are not doing the job as well as a ‘real’ teacher or even other homeschoolers is a common plight. But the truth is, you’ve taken on an important task and you’re doing just fine. Over the years I have heard complaints and concerns from many homeschoolers who feel likeContinue reading “When it Comes to Homeschooling – How are you Measuring Up?”

Teaching Literacy Skills to Underprivileged Children, Rotary Style

Becoming the Chair of the Literacy Committtee Four years ago I was voluntold to become the founding Chair of the Literacy Committee of my local Belleville Rotary club by our then incoming District Govenor, Linda Ryder. I formed a committee and implemented a literacy project prescribed by that year’s Rotary International president, Wilf Wilkinson. DespiteContinue reading “Teaching Literacy Skills to Underprivileged Children, Rotary Style”

The Role of Practice in Learning: Group Practice

This is a series of 4 blogs that focuses on the role of practice in learning: The Role of Practice in Learning: Directed Practice The Role of Practice in Learning: When is “Good Enough” Good Enough? The Role of Practice in Learning: Independent Practice The Role of Practice in Learning: Group Practice This is anContinue reading “The Role of Practice in Learning: Group Practice”

Teaching Literacy in the Slums of Bangladesh: The Amarok Society

Looking for real Canadian heroes? Try this! Meeting Tanyss and GEM Munro and their Family Three years ago, I made the acquaintance of Tanyss and GEM Munro and their family. They were doing a cross-Canada book tour, had stopped in Belleville and had left a copy of their book at our public library. The librarian, whoContinue reading “Teaching Literacy in the Slums of Bangladesh: The Amarok Society”

The Role of Practice in Learning: Independent Practice

This is a series of 4 blogs that focuses on the role of practice in learning: The Role of Practice in Learning: Directed Practice The Role of Practice in Learning: When is “Good Enough” Good Enough? The Role of Practice in Learning: Independent Practice The Role of Practice in Learning: Group Practice What Is IndependentContinue reading “The Role of Practice in Learning: Independent Practice”

The Role of Practice in Learning: When is “Good Enough” Good Enough?

This is a series of 4 blogs that focuses on the role of practice in learning: The Role of Practice in Learning: Directed Practice The Role of Practice in Learning: When is “Good Enough” Good Enough? The Role of Practice in Learning: Independent Practice The Role of Practice in Learning: Group Practice   How DoContinue reading “The Role of Practice in Learning: When is “Good Enough” Good Enough?”

New Statistics: Almost 30% of Alabama College Students Require Remedial Education

An article appeared in the Dothan Eagle yesterday morning. It is a sample of the current state of literacy in America. Some of its findings include: Nearly a third of first-year college students have to take remedial reading or math classes This costs colleges money because they must invest dollars and staff in providing remedialContinue reading “New Statistics: Almost 30% of Alabama College Students Require Remedial Education”

The Role of Practice in Learning: Directed Practice

This is a series of 4 blogs that focuses on the role of practice in learning: The Role of Practice in Learning: Directed Practice The Role of Practice in Learning: When is “Good Enough” Good Enough? The Role of Practice in Learning: Independent Practice The Role of Practice in Learning: Group Practice What is DirectedContinue reading “The Role of Practice in Learning: Directed Practice”