Precision Teaching Case Study Series Part 1 of 5: Teaching Sounds and Sound Combinations to a Developmentally Delayed Adolescent

This is the first of a series of 5 blogs on teaching reading skills to a developmentally delayed adolescent: Teaching Sounds and Sound Combinations to a Developmentally Delayed Adolescent Teaching Word Lists to a Developmentally Delayed Adolescent Teaching Story Reading to a Developmentally Delayed Adolescent Teaching Word Meanings to a Developmentally Delayed Adolescent So WhyContinue reading “Precision Teaching Case Study Series Part 1 of 5: Teaching Sounds and Sound Combinations to a Developmentally Delayed Adolescent”

Surviving on SAFMEDS

This post is written by a guest blogger Danielle Costa, who is a behavioral educator from Roseburg Oregon who has just started her own learning center. Jack is 14 and in the 8th grade. Sometimes he struggles to remember material that will be covered on a test. This week was no different. His science teacher hadContinue reading “Surviving on SAFMEDS”

Precision Teaching Series – Part 5 of 5: Summarizing Our Findings

The Precision Teaching Series This series of 5 blogs will introduce you to the Precision Teaching Method created by Ogden R. Lindsley for data collection, data analysis and decision making. Part 1: Precision Teaching – What is it? Part 2: Benefits of Precision Teaching Part 3: Common Conventions of using the Standard Celeration Chart PartContinue reading “Precision Teaching Series – Part 5 of 5: Summarizing Our Findings”

New Podcast Interview: How To Help Children Who Are “Behind In School”

I recently did a great audio interview with Anna Laura, which she has podcasted on her website. You can find the interview here: The interview centered on getting results with children who are “behind in school”. It reviewed the research that has demonstrated which of 16 methods worked when compared one against the other inContinue reading “New Podcast Interview: How To Help Children Who Are “Behind In School””

Precision Teaching Series – Part 4 of 5: Exploring the Standard Celeration Chart

The Precision Teaching Series This series of 5 blogs will introduce you to the Precision Teaching Method created by Ogden R. Lindsley for data collection, data analysis and decision making. Part 1: Precision Teaching – What is it? Part 2: Benefits of Precision Teaching Part 3: Common Conventions of using the Standard Celeration Chart PartContinue reading “Precision Teaching Series – Part 4 of 5: Exploring the Standard Celeration Chart”

Precision Teaching Series – Part 3 of 5: Common Conventions of using the Standard Celeration Chart

The Precision Teaching Series This series of 5 blogs will introduce you to the Precision Teaching Method created by Ogden R. Lindsley for data collection, data analysis and decision making. Part 1: Precision Teaching – What is it? Part 2: Benefits of Precision Teaching Part 3: Common Conventions of using the Standard Celeration Chart PartContinue reading “Precision Teaching Series – Part 3 of 5: Common Conventions of using the Standard Celeration Chart”

Precision Teaching Series – Part 2: The Benefits of the Standard Celeration Chart

Although there are three different scales for measuring temperature, (Fahrenheit, Celsius and Absolute), there is a simple device, a thermometer, that typically provides the information in two of the three scales. When our weather forecast provides us with a number in degrees that indicates the current and anticipated temperature, we can easily understand, use andContinue reading “Precision Teaching Series – Part 2: The Benefits of the Standard Celeration Chart”

Precision Teaching Series – Part 1 of 5: What is Precision Teaching?

The Precision Teaching Series This series of 5 blogs will introduce you to the Precision Teaching Method created by Ogden R. Lindsley for data collection, data analysis and decision making. Part 1: Precision Teaching – What is it? Part 2: Benefits of Precision Teaching Part 3: Common Conventions of using the Standard Celeration Chart PartContinue reading “Precision Teaching Series – Part 1 of 5: What is Precision Teaching?”

How fast do you walk, speak, read or breathe? And you don’t know? … Interesting.

Frequency Measures of Common Human Skills and Activities In my last blog, I promised that I would provide some information on the frequencies of some typical human behaviors. Despite engaging in these behaviors for literally years, we usually have no specific information regarding the rate at which we do them. That is not unusual forContinue reading “How fast do you walk, speak, read or breathe? And you don’t know? … Interesting.”