The current situation. Really !!! Tell me it isn’t true!!!

Remedial ed rate high in Alabama colleges.  This article appeared in the Dothan Eagle yesterday morning. It is a sample of the current state of literacy in America. Posted in News on Monday, July 15, 2013 5:27 pm.  The Dothan Eagle Making sure Alabama students enter college prepared for the course work they’ll encounter there is a problemContinue reading “The current situation. Really !!! Tell me it isn’t true!!!”

While you’re waiting for the cavalry to arrive .. An alternative for children with autism

A New Challenge                                                                At the end of November 2008, I began a journey, both literally and figuratively into the world of autism. I wasContinue reading “While you’re waiting for the cavalry to arrive .. An alternative for children with autism”

Accountability in Public Education – What is it really?

Many parents have children who pass through their public school systems, graduate, go on to post–secondary education and never miss a beat. My two children did with the exception of the few minor disruptions you expect from zesty teenagers. For these students the system works well. It works for a majority of students, some highContinue reading “Accountability in Public Education – What is it really?”

The Science and Success of Engelmann’s Direct Instruction

An Eye-Opening Book Review As consumers of academic goods and services, most parents are hopelessly ignorant. They simply do not know an effective program from an ineffective one. They rely on the recommendations of teachers, principals, special needs specialists, doctors, psychologists and other professionals. Parents are generally adept at perceiving that something is amiss withContinue reading “The Science and Success of Engelmann’s Direct Instruction”

What Others Think of The Maloney Method   Credibility comes from others.  As the senior author and financial benefactor of my system of teaching, I have a clear conflict of interest. I want you to buy my books because I want your money. As a result of my conflict, every buyer is or at least should be a skeptic. They shouldContinue reading “What Others Think of The Maloney Method”

What Are Behavioral Objectives? Part 5 of 5: Why This System Works

  This is the fifth article in a five part series about Behavioral Objectives. The articles in order of publication are: Behavioral Objectives; An Overview The Scope and Sequence Chart Gantt Charts for Progress Planning Setting Standards of Achievement or Fluency Why This Component Works The system of behavioural objectives built into the Maloney MethodContinue reading “What Are Behavioral Objectives? Part 5 of 5: Why This System Works”

What Are Behavioral Objectives? Part 4 of 5: Setting Measurement Standards

This is the fourth article in a five part series about Behavioral Objectives. The articles in order of publication are: Behavioral Objectives; An Overview The Scope and Sequence Chart Gantt Charts for Progress Planning Setting Standards of Achievement or Fluency Why This Component Works Types of Standards There are lots of ways to set objectivesContinue reading “What Are Behavioral Objectives? Part 4 of 5: Setting Measurement Standards”

Teaching Direct Instruction Reading Programs

Teaching Direct Instruction Reading Programs to groups or in classrooms A Simple Guide to Success Reading Mastery, Horizons, Corrective Reading (Decoding),Teach Your Children to Read Well and The ToolBox Series for Literacy are all excellent Direct Instruction reading programs. Sometimes teachers are expected to implement these programs with entire classes, even if the classroom isContinue reading “Teaching Direct Instruction Reading Programs”

What Are Behavioral Objectives? Part 2 of 5: The Scope and Sequence Chart

Tools for teaching students with learning disabilities, ADHD, ADD, Autism, Dyslexia or other “at-risk” students. This is the second article in a five part series about Behavioral Objectives. The articles in order of publication are: Behavioral Objectives; An Overview The Scope and Sequence Chart Gantt Charts for Progress Planning Setting Standards of Achievement or FluencyContinue reading “What Are Behavioral Objectives? Part 2 of 5: The Scope and Sequence Chart”

What Are Behavioral Objectives? Part 1 of 5: An Overview

This is the first article in a five-part series about Behavioral Objectives. The articles in order of publication are: Behavioral Objectives; An Overview The Scope and Sequence Chart Gantt Charts for Progress Planning Setting Standards of Achievement or Fluency Why This Component Works If you don’t know where you are going, you are much lessContinue reading “What Are Behavioral Objectives? Part 1 of 5: An Overview”