How do you Teach Your Child the Topics that you had a Hard Time Learning Yourself?

Homeschooling is a great way to customize the education your child receives and a great opportunity for parents to really engage with their children at every step of the learning process. There are many tools to help you figure out how to set up your homeschool curriculum and classroom setting (e.g. “How to Choose HomeschoolingContinue reading “How do you Teach Your Child the Topics that you had a Hard Time Learning Yourself?”

Why School Textbooks are Incomprehensible

Here you sit at the kitchen table with your 6th grade student trying to do a math assignment. If you are lucky, he has brought home his math textbook. Consider yourself lucky, in one way, because many schools no longer allow kids to bring home textbooks. The dog eats too many of them and textbooksContinue reading “Why School Textbooks are Incomprehensible”

Measuring Academic Progress: An Alternative Proven Approach

Ever since Sir Francis Galton developed the concept of the “normal curve”, a continuing academic debate has raged regarding its characteristics, and its application. The emergence and dominance of the entire field of statistics on social science research has determined how experimentation is designed, analyzed and reported. It also underlies how academic and other testsContinue reading “Measuring Academic Progress: An Alternative Proven Approach”

Red Flags For Speech Development

For many parents and caregivers, it’s difficult to tell if a child’s speech is simply delayed or is a problem to be addressed. So if you are working with a child who is younger and not putting language together as quickly as an older sibling or child of a similar age did, you may justContinue reading “Red Flags For Speech Development”

What The Old Schoolhouse Magazine has to say about the Maloney Method

Like all areas of endeavor, homeschooling has its share of magazines, newsletters, e-news, etc. We have been reviewed by several of them over the years, usually after we had written an article for them. The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, pioneered by Paul and Gina Saurez, became one of the fastest-growing homeschooling magazines as the movement gatheredContinue reading “What The Old Schoolhouse Magazine has to say about the Maloney Method”

Real Teaching Tools That You Can Use

N.B. For the next long time, I am going to be writing blogs that will provide you with specific strategies to help your child in reading, writing, math, reading comprehension, spelling, grammar, composition and creative writing. During the past year in my weekly blogs, I have described each of the pieces of the Maloney Method.Continue reading “Real Teaching Tools That You Can Use”

What does Practical Homeschooling Magazine say about The Maloney Method?

What Is Practical Homeschooling and Who is Mary Pride? Practical Homeschooling has been the leading homeschool magazine for the last 15 years and probably longer. Mary Pride, its editor, is the Oprah Winfrey of the homeschooling movement. She was there to participate in and write about many of the early battles, issues, concerns and questions faced byContinue reading “What does Practical Homeschooling Magazine say about The Maloney Method?”

An Indication of What your Child Experiences on the First Day of School

Below is one of the most telling statements that can be made about the current state of education: Nothing prepares you for that first day. I can still remember calling my wife during my lunch break (hey…I taught in California then…breaks were mandated) almost in tears…saying “I have absolutely NO idea what I am doing”.Continue reading “An Indication of What your Child Experiences on the First Day of School”

Will Your Child Drop Out Of School?

The Problem According to U.S. Dept of Education statistics, a high school student drops out of school every 26 seconds. In most cases, they see themselves as having little or no hope of graduating. Seventy percent of those who return to school for a second chance drop out again. Less than 20% of those whoContinue reading “Will Your Child Drop Out Of School?”

When it Comes to Homeschooling – How are you Measuring Up?

For many homeschoolers, feeling that they are not doing the job as well as a ‘real’ teacher or even other homeschoolers is a common plight. But the truth is, you’ve taken on an important task and you’re doing just fine. Over the years I have heard complaints and concerns from many homeschoolers who feel likeContinue reading “When it Comes to Homeschooling – How are you Measuring Up?”