Indiegogo Featured Us as “Promising Prospect” Indiegogo has selected Maloney Method’s Digital Reading Program as one of four Promising Prospects the day after our launch. This is fantastic news and shows how much potential this project has for changing lives (and changing minds). For a select period of time, an icon with the photo from our campaign will be placed asContinue reading “Indiegogo Featured Us as “Promising Prospect””
We Have Lift Off! Fundraising with Indiegogo and You! What an exhilarating feeling! This week we launched our first Indiegogo campaign. The Maloney Method is raising funds in order to convert our powerful, proven, and successful reading program from ink and paper to digital audio and video. A digital reading program could reach millions of students struggling to learn how to read. AContinue reading “We Have Lift Off! Fundraising with Indiegogo and You!”
Maloney Method with SPED Homeschool – Scientific Backing to Direct Instruction What does it mean to say Direct instruction is the most effective education method out there? What does it mean to say this has scientific backing? And why is this not enough to persuade people to use Direct Instruction? What’s the issue? I talked to Peggy Ployhar from SPED Homeschool about direct instruction and otherContinue reading “Maloney Method with SPED Homeschool – Scientific Backing to Direct Instruction”
Maloney Method with SPED Homeschool – How to Equip Your Homeschool Student for Success In April of 2019 I had a chance to talk to Peggy Ployhar of SPED Homeschool about homeschooling. How can your teaching equip your homeschool student for success? Find out by watching this clip.
Maloney Method with SPED Homeschool – Advantages of Direct Instruction In April of 2019 I had a chance to talk to Peggy Ployhar of SPED Homeschool. In this clip we look at what direct instruction does that other educational systems just can’t do.