MM Digital Learning MALONEY METHOD DIGITAL LEARNING SYSTEM LET OUR APP TEACH YOUR CHILD TO READ WELL! Sit with your student. Press “Play” for the lesson video to begin. Press “Next” when your student has it. Our app measures your progress! TRY IT! SIGN UP! If you can read, you can teach a child to read! ALL OF THIS IS NOW AVAILABLE IN COMPLETE VIDEO LESSONS! OUR APP WORKS FOR YOU LIKE A DIGITAL TEACHER'S ASSISTANT DELIVERING INSTRUCTION WHILE YOU SIT WITH YOUR STUDENT. Each lesson is a video playlist that introduces phonetic sounds, demonstrates blending sounds into words, and guides students through practice exercises. THE PERFECT COMBINATION OF 4 PROVEN METHODS The Maloney Method uniquely incorporates four educational strategies into one all-encompassing system that works for everyone: Behavioral Objectives Behavioral Management (Harvard University) Direct Instruction (University of Oregon) Precision Teaching (University of Kansas) 1. CREATING A ROADMAP BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVES Behavioral objectives specify a plan for what you are going to teach and a strategy to implement that plan so that the student is guaranteed to learn. In short, they create a road map to take the student from A to B as quickly and efficiently as possible. READ MORE These objectives are sequenced to provide the most efficient learning path. Each learning outcome adds another skill. Importantly, behavioral objectives are directly measurable by the teacher, parent, or anyone who needs the information. For example, a behavioral objective might be: “The student can see and say 50 – 60 sounds and/or sound combinations in one minute without making more than 2 errors.” This statement is easily understood, easily measured and delivers numerical scores which are easily compared to previous scores to determine progress. Monitoring the errors helps the teacher determine what parts need correction. Watching the sounds at which the student hesitates indicates those which need more practice. Learn More about Behavioral Objectives with my Blog Series on the Subject: What Are Behavioral Objectives? Part 1 of 5: An Overview What Are Behavioral Objectives? Part 2 of 5: The Scope and Sequence Chart What Are Behavioral Objectives? Part 3 of 5: Gantt Charts What Are Behavioral Objectives? Part 4 of 5: Setting Measurement Standards What Are Behavioral Objectives? Part 5 of 5: Why This System Works TESTIMONIALS “I am so relieved to have everything I need in one book (no charts to get lost or ruined) and everything is getting covered systematically” ~ Professional Tutor 2. MAINTAINING FOCUS BEHAVIOR MANAGEMENT It’s important that the student is receptive to instruction. The most effective method to promote a student’s progress is to provide consistent feedback and rewards for diligent effort and for successful work. How do we do this? READ MORE This is accomplished by: The setting and following of simple rules The judicious, immediate use of praise for specific behaviors The acknowledgment of appropriate behavior with praise Providing preferred activities or points that can be used to earn privileges You can solve 75%-80% of your behavior problems with clear rules and the judicious use of praise for appropriate behavior. Learn More about Behavior Management with my Blog Series on the Subject Behavior Management: An Overview Behavior Management: Bribes or Rewards – The Fundamental Question Behavior Management: Praise and Encouragement – 91 Ways to Say “Good for You” Behavior Management: Activities as Reinforcers Behavior Management: Point Systems for Progress Behavior Management: Behavior Contracts Behavior Management: Why it Works TESTIMONIAL “I’m so thrilled that I’ve found your products! It’s so motivating for my children to try to reach the fluency goals…and also up to 50 cents a day for reading! Thank you so much! It’s all just so great & right!” ~ Mrs. Linda Sommers 3. TEACHING EFFECTIVELY DIRECT INSTRUCTION Direct Instruction, a teaching method developed by Siegfried Engelmann and his colleagues at University of Oregon, has proven to be the most effective instructional method available for teaching basic and advanced skills in reading, writing, spelling, math and language development. READ MORE Simply put, Direct Instruction clearly demonstrates the concept and/or the application for the student, with no guesswork involved. Each lesson follows three progressive stages: “Model – Lead – Test.” First, the teacher models the task. Then, the students performs the same task along with the teacher. Finally, when the teacher is sure the student can do the task correctly, the student practices it alone. All curriculum is scripted, spelling out exactly what the teacher needs to say and how to say it. Correction procedures tell the teacher what to say when faced with specific incorrect responses. All errors are corrected immediately. Direct Instruction teaches children rules whenever possible, rather than asking them to memorize baskets of facts. MICHAEL'S GUARANTEE “We are sufficiently comfortable with our carefully-planned and proven instructional programs that we have given parents a money-back guarantee for the past 40 years.” ~ Michael Maloney 4. MEASURING ACHIEVEMENT PRECISION TEACHING Once the instruction has been completed, we want to know whether or not we have taught successfully and the degree to which the student can apply the new information or strategy quickly and correctly. TESTIMONIALS “Mom’s most favorite outstanding feature was the teacher-student work review at the end of each section, which was quite thorough. There are progress charts in the back, as well. Grading couldn’t be simpler – just pop your scores in, and you’re good to go!” ~ Karen Houston, The Old Schoolhouse Magazine READ MORE Learn More about Precision Teaching with my Blog Series on the Subject: Precision Teaching Series – Part 1 of 5: What is Precision Teaching? Precision Teaching Series – Part 2 of 5: The Benefits of Precision Teaching Precision Teaching Series – Part 3 of 5: Common Conventions of using the Standard Celeration Chart Precision Teaching Series – Part 4 of 5: Exploring the Standard Celeration Chart Precision Teaching Series – Part 5 of 5: Summarizing Our Findings Check out this Demonstration Video for More Information This Help Video Shows All the Steps for Signing Up CUSTOMER SUPPORT: or 1-877-368-1513