MM Digital Learning Subscription Packages NOW AVAILABLE - MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTIONS Teach Your Children to Read Well Subscription Lessons – Each lesson is a video playlist that takes care of all the instruction! Just press PLAY and have your child or student follow the directions. Complete and move on to the next, or repeat the video task – you are in complete control! These education programs have been tested and used by school classrooms, tutors in after-school programs, homeschooling groups and parents. Maloney Method Digital Learning Each Reading Subscription level contains 30 lessons.$9.95 per month OPTIMIZED FOR CHROME WEB BROWSERIncludes:Full Access to Learning Platform, 24/7!Ongoing Support – call 1-877-368-1513 or email michael@maloneymethod.comGo at your student’s or child’s pace Cancel anytime. When your child or student completes the 30 lessons in a package, simply cancel one subscription and graduate to the next!120 lessons is all it takes to make a strong, fluent and confident reader! We strongly recommend you do these lessonsin order and in sequence. TRY IT! Lessons 1-5 - FREE $0.00Add to cart Reading Level 1A (K to Grade 2) - Lessons 1-30 $9.95/month $9.95 / monthSign up now Reading Level 1B (K to Grade 2) - Lessons 31-60 $9.95/month $9.95 / monthSign up now Reading Level 2A (Grade 3 to Grade 4) - Lessons 1-30 $9.95/month $9.95 / monthSign up now Reading Level 2B (Grade 3 to Grade 4) - Lessons 31-60 $9.95/month $9.95 / monthSign up now IF YOU CAN READ, YOU CAN TEACH A CHILD TO READ! WANT TO TRY OUR DIGITAL READING APP BEFORE GETTING A SUBSCRIPTION? FIRST 5 LESSONS FREE! LEARN MORE