Getting Ready For Market – Update July 17 2020 Preparing for Launch, Preparing for MarketLevel 1A of Teach Your Children to Read Well is now complete. That’s 30 reading lessons ready for digital and video presentation! Andrew has also prepared the next 15 lessons so we have 45 of the 60 lessons completed or very close to completion. With some luck, we could finish the rest of level one in the summer. Some subscribers may have a child who could complete 30 lessons in a month and we do not want them waiting for the next instalment too long. The website is being revised to make it easier for subscribers to try and to buy a packages of digital lessons. We are working with several groups in the therapist and homeschooling markets and have already done three webinars for the therapist group. All were well received and well attended. We will likely do two more next month. At the moment we are making good progress and will have no trouble meeting our August 12 deadline. More next week.  MichaelPreparing to Help Kids with Reading!