New – Help Video #4 Digital Learning APP – Student Points Chart, Your Profile Page, and the Instructors Page

Now that all of Level 1 Reading is in the Maloney Method Digital Learning APP, we want to make it as easy as possible for people to use those lessons. So here is our new Help Video #4 where we look at the Points Chart, Profile Page, Instructors Page. (7min)

Have you used a reward program with you student? Our Points Chart in the APP organizes and manages it for you!

Do you want to change your contact email or password? Let’s look at the APP Profile Page.

Ever wanted to add an instructor so they could fill in for you with your student? You can do that on the Instructors Page!

Using phonics, blending sounds together, and story reading – every lesson uses Direct Instruction. That means less frustration and confusion for the student, and instructional design the teacher can trust.