School-Reach Projects, Literacy Competitions – Update Mar 3 2020 March certainly feels like it is coming in like a Lion! Here are some highlights and headlines.Development We have joined a competition sponsored by World Vision, UNICEF and the Australian Government for a prize of $350,000 to build and distribute a digital reading program for young children in third world countries. We only had 10 days to write the proposal which came with 40 pages of specific requirements. We feel that since we have the first stage of a program to offer, we may have a chance to be selected. No timeline has been announced as to when the winners will be notified. The Nola Charter School Project This week 3,000 New Orleans teachers received their vaccination for Covid-19. Case numbers are continuing to drop and schools were to open on Monday, March 6th. We are likely to be able to begin connecting schools and Rotary clubs with the help of Brian Hall in the next week. The Dr. Dot supplement project This program will begin with more attention in the next 10 days now that we have the specific program listed in the catalogue and the new additions imbedded in the program (i.e. multiple teachers and charting). Marketing More email blasts and 3 more webinars are slowly adding to our list of clients trying the 5 Free Lessons. I have completed at least one phone call to each potential client. I have received no complaints, a few suggestions for improvements and positive comments from a number of very happy clients. We just need to keep putting one foot in front of the other, probably until at least September when schools re-open. Be sure to check out our new Digital Learning APP. We have Free Lessons in Reading. TRY IT before you BUY IT! Be well. Stay safe.  Michael