Steady, Steady – Update Oct 3 2020 Marketing As Andrew continues to load the remaining 20 lessons into the system to complete the first level of our digital program, attention switches from development to customer service and the beginnings of the marketing and sales campaigns. Mark Bishop is leading the way with e-mail blasts, newsletter blurbs, and magazine ads in 2 markets. The first emails went to a twenty thousand homeschoolers using The Old Schoolhouse Magazine’s mailing and magazine subscription lists. The second email was sent to a small group of therapists during the last week. It is too early to interpret the results because the sample sizes are insufficient and the single e-mail is likely too little to drive a response. We will keep you posted.On another front, Past International Rotary President Wilf Wilkinson and Past District Rotary Governor of the Louisiana Clubs, Brian Hall, have given the go ahead for us to approach 5-6 New Orleans charter schools and offer them a gift of the software from a Rotary club. The principal of the first school approached not only accepted our offer but sent us a list of a half-dozen other charter school principals whom she thought would benefit. Past President Wilf is making a slow, but steady recovery from his hip fracture. We hope to have several schools on board by the end of this month. Rotary clubs will purchase enough licences to provide the reading program to 24 students in each school. We have provided a substantial discount to the Rotary clubs and assist them by helping them reach their literacy commitment to their communities. Mark is arranging more email blasts to about 80,000 therapists in the next week or two to both homeschoolers and behavior therapists. Next Steps I have a number of webinars between October 15 and November 9th with a number of these therapists. Behavior Development Services and Maloney Method are producing a six-part set of free webinars on the methods used by our app. The attending therapists can learn about the methods and can purchase continuing education credits for having attended. This system worked well in the last 3 webinars we presented with BDS. Finances Our book sales and consulting have helped to keep us financially afloat in September. Forecasts for October are good so far.Â