The Beat Goes On – Update Sept 4 2020 Technology There are fewer flaws in our app as a result of this week’s testing. We are still trapping bugs and will continue to do so. We have expanded our group of testers and will continue to add to their numbers as fixes are made so that each latest version can be vetted by “new eyes”. We will continue this process until we have the top drawer quality associated with all of our products.The School Environment Schools and homeschoolers have got off to a later start this year which eases the pressure on us. Our New Orleans pilot project is further affected because the schools have moved their opening dates to September 17 and there are more than 20 reported cases of COVID19 among staff during the holiday period. Once most schools went back in session in some format, we stopped our campaign of providing free curriculum to parents and therapists. In total we had more than 75,000 lessons downloaded. We have left the lessons available at a very inexpensive cost of $4.95 for a set of 5 complete lessons, including readers and workbooks. Interestingly, a number of people have continued adding to their stashes. This will bring in some revenue, as will the royalties from the 5 webinars I did. Marketing Most of our marketing has been placed on hold, especially the e-mail blasts which are flexible. That will save us several thousand dollars this month. The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, a major homeschool magazine will hit the streets next week with an ad in each of 20,000 copies. The arrangement for this advertising was completed in June and could not be cancelled or delayed. We do expect some attempts to purchase the program.While we cannot offer the full program to anyone who wishes to purchase, we do have in place a 5 lesson Try Before You Buy Option.  We will follow up with each requests as they occur. Everything is being delayed as a function of this pandemic, so we should not be much affected by the delay we are experiencing. Finances We have finally come to the end of our funds. We are now living on the generosity of our team, including Nesda. We are very close to the finish line and will run on fumes for now.  Hang in there,  Michael