Why Our Schools Are Failing- Part 4

Why Our Schools Are Failing- Part 4 The Solution If school administrators at all levels really want to make our public schools work, they need to take a lesson from medicine and the ways in which medical professionals are trained. If you had appendicitis, it probably doesn’t matter which hospital you are admitted to, theContinue reading “Why Our Schools Are Failing- Part 4”

Why Our Schools Are Failing- Part 3

  Blog # 101 – Why Our Schools are Failing – Part 3   The Fundamental Issue   There is no doubt that measured by the end product, learning, our schools are hopelessly inadequate. Their structure and organization are archaic and unresponsive to change. There are far too many cooks trying to run the kitchenContinue reading “Why Our Schools Are Failing- Part 3”

Why Our Schools Are Failing- Part 2

                Blog #100 – Why Our Schools Are Failing – Part 2 Many people think that schools’ first priority is about children and learning. They would be wrong. School systems like all organizations are driven by a set of goals that will avoid or alleviate problems for theContinue reading “Why Our Schools Are Failing- Part 2”

Why Our Schools Are Failing: Part 1

    Blog #99 – Why our schools are failing.   Introduction   25% of North Americans are functionally illiterate. A student drops out of school every 16 seconds. 50+ percent of college students require remedial courses in math and reading. 50% of Americans cannot understand material written at an Eighth Grade level. 85% ofContinue reading “Why Our Schools Are Failing: Part 1”

Teach Your Children Well Book Bits Interview

     The Teach Your Children Well   Book Bits Interview. Michael Maloney’s first book, Teach Your Children Well  is an award-winning, best –seller and is becoming a classic in its field. The book describes the causes and effects of illiteracy in North America.   Lots of books do that. Michael’s book differs from the pack inContinue reading “Teach Your Children Well Book Bits Interview”

If your child is struggling with reading, watch this.

Lots of parents are confused because their children struggle with reading. This video will show you why the problem exists. http://www.childrenofthecode.org/Tour/c3/dysteachia.htm#! Take 5 minutes and learn what works and what does not.

Outline of the events in the 2-Day Inclusion Workshop

I am being contacted by individuals who want a more detailed breakdown of the workshop agenda. Here it is and here is what others are saying about the Maloney Method. From Hong Kong I invited Michael Maloney to assist me in establishing a classroom for autistic children in Hong Kong. I did so on theContinue reading “Outline of the events in the 2-Day Inclusion Workshop”

Teaching the Distractible Student Effectively

Introduction Some children are easy to teach. Others present all kinds of behavioral challenges. Sometimes children are inattentive and do not stay on task for more than a few minutes at a time. Often times, these children disrupt our ability to teach others who are working hard. When this disruption becomes significant and the childContinue reading “Teaching the Distractible Student Effectively”

School’s Out for Summer – Now What?

In a few more days, millions of students start summer vacation. No classes, no homework no projects and for many not much learning. Parents often worry that students will forget some of the skills they learned this year. They have every right to be concerned. Here’s why. The Concept: Test How Much Kids Forget DuringContinue reading “School’s Out for Summer – Now What?”

Behavior Management: Why it Works

This is a series of seven blogs to help teachers, parents and therapists bring students under instructional control so that teaching can occur. The components of the series are Behavior Management: An Overview Behavior Management: Bribes or Rewards – The Fundamental Question Behavior Management: Praise and Encouragement Behavior Management: Activities as Reinforcers Behavior Management: PointContinue reading “Behavior Management: Why it Works”