Lose the Science, Lose the Kids

150 years ago, numerous perfectly healthy women died of “childbirth fever” in hospitals across the western world. Ignaz Semmelweiss solved the problem by introducing sterile procedures, like handwashing. He dramatically reduced deaths due to infections in his Vienna hospital. He was driven out of the hospital by his surgeon colleagues as his reward. The cultureContinue reading “Lose the Science, Lose the Kids”

University of West Florida / Maloney Method Launch Successful

The joint venture pilot project of the University of West Florida and Maloney Method.com has launched successfully with higher registration numbers than expected. The 12-week course teaches an amalgamated behavior methods system and provides 12 Continuing Education Credits for those who complete the 6 modules. Each module includes a presentation, followed one week later byContinue reading “University of West Florida / Maloney Method Launch Successful”

Learning Channels As An Aid To Learning.

 Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200 until you read this. Rationale:             When we are teaching students new skills or reviewing skills that they already have learned, we rely on information based on learning channels. Each learning channel has an input and an output. There are many different kinds of each. Eric andContinue reading “Learning Channels As An Aid To Learning.”

Rote Counting Skills from 1 to 10 (Forward)

Rationale Until a student has well-developed counting skills, all other aspects of arithmetic will be difficult or impossible to do. Fluent counting skills are the basis for most other activities in arithmetic. There are a number of different components that students need to be taught before they attempt to learn more advanced arithmetic operations suchContinue reading “Rote Counting Skills from 1 to 10 (Forward)”

Why a U.S. Government Agency Covers Up Proven Educational Methods While Millions of Children Become Illiterate

It is naïve to pretend that science is free of bias and of political involvement.  If it were, there would be no need for lobbyists in Washington from groups like the chemical and defense companies. “Science” may be conducted more for their benefit, than for its indisputable proofs. When influenced by “big tobacco”, some studiesContinue reading “Why a U.S. Government Agency Covers Up Proven Educational Methods While Millions of Children Become Illiterate”

The Science and Success of Engelmann’s Direct Instruction

An Eye-Opening Book Review As consumers of academic goods and services, most parents are hopelessly ignorant. They simply do not know an effective program from an ineffective one. They rely on the recommendations of teachers, principals, special needs specialists, doctors, psychologists and other professionals. Parents are generally adept at perceiving that something is amiss withContinue reading “The Science and Success of Engelmann’s Direct Instruction”

Teaching Direct Instruction Reading Programs

Teaching Direct Instruction Reading Programs to groups or in classrooms A Simple Guide to Success Reading Mastery, Horizons, Corrective Reading (Decoding),Teach Your Children to Read Well and The ToolBox Series for Literacy are all excellent Direct Instruction reading programs. Sometimes teachers are expected to implement these programs with entire classes, even if the classroom isContinue reading “Teaching Direct Instruction Reading Programs”

Practical Lessons for Teaching Counting Skills- Lesson 7

The One-Minute Teacher  TEACHES Rote Counting Skills From 1 to 100 Rationale: In this exercise we will combine the previous exercises to teach rote counting from 1 to 100. We will practice counting until the fluency level of 200 counts/minute with 2 or fewer errors is reached. Now that the student has met the fluencyContinue reading “Practical Lessons for Teaching Counting Skills- Lesson 7”

Practical Lessons for Teaching Counting Skills- Lesson 6

The One-Minute Teacher TEACHES Rote Counting Skills From 1 to 20 (Part 2) Task 2: Rote Counting from 1 to 20 from memory. Think and Say Numbers from 1 to 20. Cover the numerals with the sheet of paper and say to the student, “Now I am going to count from 1 to 20. Listen.”Continue reading “Practical Lessons for Teaching Counting Skills- Lesson 6”

Practical Lessons for Teaching Counting Skills- Lesson 5

  The One-Minute Teacher TEACHES Rote Counting Skills From 1 to 20 Rationale: In this exercise we will combine the previous two exercises to teach rote counting from 1 to 20. We will practice counting until the fluency level of 200 counts/minute with 2 or fewer errors is reached. Now that the student has metContinue reading “Practical Lessons for Teaching Counting Skills- Lesson 5”